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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Five Tomato Gardening Mistakes To Avoid

Most people are able to grow tomatoes it's really easy. However, you might make some common mistakes .

This are 5 big mistakes to avoid while tomato gardening.

Mistake 1: You buyed the wrong type of tomatoes instead of the regular tomatoes. The best way to make the difference is to look at the little tabs in tomato plant packs

Mistake 2: Staking the tomatoes may not be so easy. At first it's quite simple, but as the tomatoes grow you will have a harder time to have enough stakes to keep up with the growth. Staking, pruning will keep you busy.

Mistake 3: Tomatoes need a lot of water. They will simply die when there is not enough water. Also, you need to be sure not to provide water to your tomatoes when it's hot outside because it will evaporate and providing water at night may produce fungus

Mistake 4: The end of the season brings all sorts of bugs and worms so some of your tomato may rot. If you planted enough of them you will still get a good number of tomatoes.

Mistake 5: Tomatoes going wild. After a period of time, tomato plants make new shoots and they keep going all over the place. The smart trick to prevent this problem is to calculate late in the summer the plants that will not have enough time to grow full size and cut them.


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