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Friday, July 27, 2012

Tomato Gardening - Easy Hobby

Tomato gardening is a rewarding and valuable hobby, if done correctly you will have a huge stock of fresh and juicy home grown tomatoes. Home grown tomatoes are simply better than store bought tomatoes when it comes to taste

Easy and rewarding

If you are a newbie you are at the right place tomato gardening is really easy, that's why they are the number one most popular vegetable grown at home in the USA
You can start your tomato gardening by buying tomatoes seeds but for beginners it's better to buy tomato seedling plants from you local gardening store. You will have the tomatoes faster and there will be less room for error.

The most important things : Water, Light, Soil, Heat

Sunlight-Your tomato plants need at least 7-9 hours of sunlight each and every day, so make sure your garden is free of shade during the day or your tomatoes will simply stop growing. If you are growing your tomatoes indoors be sure to keep them by a window 

Heat - Your tomatoes will thrive at temperatures of at least 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit). During night the temperature should not go below 16 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit). If you live in a temperate climate keep your plants indoors until late enough in the year when the temperatures are optimal enough for the tomatoes to develop

Water -  Tomato plants need around 1 gallon of water each and every day make sure not to do the same mistakes as many other growers who drown their plants every day by providing too much water. You need to keep the surrounding soil moist. To not expose your plants to diseases and pest you should avoid watering your plants from the top down.

Soil - Regular soil should be enough to grow tomatoes but make sure your soil has enough nutrients and that it has a PH of about 6.0 to 7.0. If your soil has a higher PH than 7.0 add sulfur granules and if the pH is less then 6.0 you can bring it up by spreading lime.Another simple and inexpensive method to achieve this is to mix organic matter and manure into the soil. 


Following this easy tips will assure you a steady amount of fresh home grown tomatoes even if you are a beginner


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